Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Aunt?! *gasp*

Visited Taz a few days ago. On Friday to be exact. She had a baby. On the 14th of this month.

How was it? It was weird. I mean, really. She was one of us. Now she's this grown up person. Of course a lot of it was the swelling from the pregnancy but more than the appearance, she's responsible for this little thing. Isn't that scary? Sure, her attitude hasn't changed. She's kind of taking it easy about the lil one right now, but, well, breast feeding?! How can that be the same? She has changed. Times have changed. Most of us have changed. She was one of us. Now she's the mother of this little wriggling pink thing which came out of her. Gross! GROSS!

The lil one is without a name yet. And she's... well... little. I won't say cute. There's something ugly about most babies that small. The good part starts from maybe about five months onwards. Then they become absolutely adorable. All of them.

I still want one of my own.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

need some help?

15 November, 2005 06:50  
Blogger Aran said...

Dear Anonymous,

Very unlikely that you'll help with anything considering the fact that you're in an entirely different continent. But to make it clear - no, thank you.

Unless you're volunteering as a babysitter...

15 November, 2005 09:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Putting 'IT' skills to use hey?
Anyway i feel much better, now that you have made it clear. Because i would have to kill my conscious to help you. Damn! positions I place myself in, to help the needy.

16 November, 2005 07:23  
Blogger Aran said...

When you have it, why not flaunt it. I'm talking about the IT skills here.

Oh and I would hate to be the killer of a concious, though I'm not sure how that can happen really. Will you live unconsciously for the rest of your life then? Subconsciously perhaps? It's worth doing just to see what would happen.

The word, Anonymous, is conscience.

16 November, 2005 07:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, so is it the editorial skills you are flaunting here? Anyway, i am sure there was not much of breakdown in communication with the useage of my imperfect vocabulary (Ok, dont really kow how to spell it either).

But, i would be in for the experiment that you have mentioned. Just to see how it goes.

16 November, 2005 08:11  
Blogger Aran said...

Sigh. Nevermind genius. I said, only if you fall unconscious will I consider it. Not likely to happen, is it?

And just out of curiosity, why do you think your kind needs to procreate? In other words, how Alpha are you?

16 November, 2005 08:23  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With a statistically proved record, falling unconscious is not very uncommon to me. Still recovering from the bruises and a semi-torn pelvic muscle from last weekend, so you bettere watch out.

And just out of curiousity- are you one of those discriminative(alpha, beta -the new age), man hating dykes?

Out of curiousity 2- did you ever wonder why evolution linked 'recreation' to what you call procreation? that might give u the answers to the questions you have asked 'my kind'

Also out of curiousity: Do u take the the words 'early bird catches the prey' a little too seriously? what on earth have u been doing at ur desk from 7.30 this morning?

Well, last one out of curiousity: what all would conscious mean, as a noun?

16 November, 2005 09:01  
Blogger Aran said...

My, my! Such a curious one we have here!

So let's see. To 1, no, I don't hate men.

2. Ahh, this makes me hope Anonymous, that the comments might even be fun. But I think all this started with procreation, not recreation, so where does it come in?

3. No. Well, just woke up early. And that doesn't happen often.

4. Yes, I know what it means as a noun, and your point is...?

16 November, 2005 09:42  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say here, and this has to be a first because I am able to spew out nonsense quiet easily. Aran, looks like you are going to have a cult following here too.

16 November, 2005 10:45  

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