Friday, March 18, 2005

In Three Easy Do-it-Yourself Steps

How to Dream about Food
Step 1. Gain 4 kgs.
Step 2. Get on scale in front of Mother. Side effect: Mother freaks out.
Step 3. Have frantic session where you promise to diet until you become stick figure or similar.
Note: Continually monitor Mother's condition during Step 2. Keep water, gloomy face and aplomb handy for emergencies.

How to Diet
Step 1. Don't eat.
Step 2. Don't eat.
Step 3. All of the above.
Note: For best results, combine Steps 1, 2 and 3.

What to do when Tempted
Step 1. Carry pesticide at all times. When confronted with food, spray. (Not to be attempted by suicidal or hysterical persons)
Step 2. Turn into slobbering drooling incoherent moron. (Keep out of reach of children below 13 years)
Step 3. Pass out due to fighting the craving. Alternatively, cry, hate, curse, blame, lie back and think of the Queen.

What to do when people say "It's ok. Just this once" and offer fattening things
Step 1. Throw Sugarfree at them.
That's it.

:(( :(( :(( :((

4 kilos!!! damn. :( That's when I should be 5 less than minus 4 kilos of current weight. According to Mother I should be 5 lesser than 5 less than minus 4 of current weight. We went shopping and bought Tofu and diet mayonnaise, whole wheat bread and low sodium salt, and and and... Sigh. At least I get to eat pears. Silver lining and all...
