Two requests and a death threat later
There was a time in my life when I thought I was dumb. That was sometime in eighth standard, or thereabouts. We don't need the exact time period. That is close enough for the purposes of this post. Which brings me to the point that explains what exactly it is that is the point of this post. Well, without further ado, purging. This post will talk of my inner, vulnerable self. I'm going to write it all out with the firm belief that if I write it, it'll all go away, out of me and into the paper or into the internet void and I'll be free of it. This post should have been named 'Turmoil', but as I consider the current title to be quite clever, it's going to stay.
So there was a time when I thought I was dumb. It had something to do with my chemistry marks. I failed miserably. And I mean miserably. The chemistry part of my life was something around 16 out of 100. If those were IQ marks... just imagine. Therefore, it was quite normal for me to think that I was dumb. The Mathematics wasn't good either. That added to the problem, but the number one culprit was chemistry, in more ways than one, if you know what I mean. Eighth standard is a very bad age for chemistry.
But why am I talking about this now? The reason, as already mentioned, is purging. Not past purging either. Because lately I've been feeling dumb again - for the past three to four months. No, it's not chemistry this time around. Well, at least not the subject. This time, I'm not sure what it is actually. I'd like to think it's antibiotics. Yep, that's right. Antibiotics and the eating of them. Prolonged eating of antibiotics makes Aran dumb.
I've been feeling woozy. Yes, that's the word for it. Actually, I'm not sure woozy is a true blue bonafide word, but it describes what I'm feeling, so it's good. Now that I think of it, so is confuzzled. It's confused and fuzzy-brained rolled into one. Like your brain's filled with wool and you can't think. That's me nowadays. Why? I have no idea, except for the antibiotics that is, but how long will I keep blaming those. I need a new blame-thing soon. I can't even use the moon this time. It's not exactly known for making people stupid, is it? As it is, the poor pale orb is credited for my mood swings. Asking it to take on more of the burden would be a bit too much.
So with this post, why I haven't been blogging has been explained. Also, I don't think I can purge more than this in one post. Thank you kindly for the indulgence shown by the two people who requested a post and to the person who threatened to kill me if I didn't write, I love you. Anything else will get me killed. And now that I think of it, death is better than dumbness.
Ps: Does anybody know what Riconia does?
Ps: Do I have any readers left to answer that question I threw out?
So there was a time when I thought I was dumb. It had something to do with my chemistry marks. I failed miserably. And I mean miserably. The chemistry part of my life was something around 16 out of 100. If those were IQ marks... just imagine. Therefore, it was quite normal for me to think that I was dumb. The Mathematics wasn't good either. That added to the problem, but the number one culprit was chemistry, in more ways than one, if you know what I mean. Eighth standard is a very bad age for chemistry.
But why am I talking about this now? The reason, as already mentioned, is purging. Not past purging either. Because lately I've been feeling dumb again - for the past three to four months. No, it's not chemistry this time around. Well, at least not the subject. This time, I'm not sure what it is actually. I'd like to think it's antibiotics. Yep, that's right. Antibiotics and the eating of them. Prolonged eating of antibiotics makes Aran dumb.
I've been feeling woozy. Yes, that's the word for it. Actually, I'm not sure woozy is a true blue bonafide word, but it describes what I'm feeling, so it's good. Now that I think of it, so is confuzzled. It's confused and fuzzy-brained rolled into one. Like your brain's filled with wool and you can't think. That's me nowadays. Why? I have no idea, except for the antibiotics that is, but how long will I keep blaming those. I need a new blame-thing soon. I can't even use the moon this time. It's not exactly known for making people stupid, is it? As it is, the poor pale orb is credited for my mood swings. Asking it to take on more of the burden would be a bit too much.
So with this post, why I haven't been blogging has been explained. Also, I don't think I can purge more than this in one post. Thank you kindly for the indulgence shown by the two people who requested a post and to the person who threatened to kill me if I didn't write, I love you. Anything else will get me killed. And now that I think of it, death is better than dumbness.
Ps: Does anybody know what Riconia does?
Ps: Do I have any readers left to answer that question I threw out?